Don’t Mail That!

If you’re thinking of mailing a cloned human embryo, some lottery tickets, or those obscene drawings you created of your sister when you were in 1st grade (I know I’m not the only one who did that), you may want to think again. You may at least want to do some research on where you’re sending them too anyway.

Don’t want to do the research? Of course you don’t! That’s why we’re here. So, here we go with our list of things that if thrown in the mail… may guarantee you some time in the slammer (minor exaggeration there, maybe).


We know, it’s TOTALLY un-American! But it is what it is. Dead badger carcuses are not allowed to be mailed in the United States of America So, don’t even think about buying postage stamps to send them. Look, don’t shoot the messenger, here’s the link.


We can’t really figure out exactly why but in the country of Nigeria, don’t even think about putting your favorite spaghetti in a box and slapping a stamp on it. It’s completely prohibited. A few other edibles that will get you into some trouble in Nigeria include frozen poultry and birds eggs. We don’t know if that means chickens, but we assume so. Sorry, Chick Filet.


So, if your cousins best friends Uncle has an organ fettish like some people, you’ll need to refrain from sending them human organs. At least that’s the case if he lives in Russia. Russians also have some other hang ups like color copiers, fry for breeding fish and honey. Weird-o’s.